Asset Finance

Our Structured and Asset Finance practice is a recognized leader for its ability to structure complex transactions.

But we also have extensive experience at other levels and across all sectors of the asset finance industry. Whatever we’re handling, our lawyers have the breadth and depth of experience to help our clients find the most commercially beneficial way to structure a deal.

We advise on both domestic and cross-border asset financings including all types of debt, lease (both tax- and non-tax-based, export credit and capital markets driven products, securitizations, receivables financings, vendor programs and retail finance. Our lawyers help clients to buy and sell leasing companies and portfolios of assets, and structure regional and global leasing business networks.

We act for banks, financiers, lessors, manufacturers, captive finance companies, operators, borrowers, lessees, export credit agencies, and governmental and international organisations. We have a track record for advising clients on transactions that become market firsts and award winners, helping us to cement our position at the forefront of the market.