Legal consultancy

As the demand for specialized legal expertise grows, many legal organizations look to independent legal consultants for help. We provide a range of services to augment the internal capabilities of a law firm or legal department on a short-term or project basis depending on client’s need.

Investment consultants

We work directly with clients to provide advice and guidance on investment products and services that range from individual retirement accounts to wealth management and savings accounts including other financial service roles, like financial advisor and money manager. Meet with our clients to identify investment goals, discuss strategies, and determine which financial products support client objectives via guidance and direction.We provide sound investment advice and financial guidance to clients and answer client questions and provide information about specific products or services to help clients make informed decisions.Helpingclients in assessing new and emerging markets to determine whether they offer a potentially higher return on investment for clients without creating excessive financial riskis our core mandate.We champion the most transparent foreign investment management system to both incoming and already established foreign investors.

Real estate management and Agency

If you have an investment property, but you don’t want the burden of managing it, please experience our professional and knowledgeableManagement Team. LCA Management is a division of Lawbert Global Advocates, a global leading law firm. Our Management allows our clients the opportunity to generate passive income while enjoying allthe benefits of investment-property-ownership.We virtually buy, sale and advice on any type of real estate transaction including selling on a commission basis, transfer, mortgages, facilitating negotiations between squatters and landlords.

Marketing and Branding Management

LCA is a leadingReputable Marketing and brand Management and Digital Marketingcompany in Uganda. With the team of Best Digital Marketing professionals,LCAhelp the companies to build, repair, manage and promote theirbrandglobally which help to meet the client’s revenue requirements. We provide tailor made solutions to the clients after analyzing their needs and requirements. LCAstrongly believes in client’s satisfaction by providing the quality results.The company has an edge over others based on a collective experience and is built on processes to deliver results.We stress on meeting, customized responses, qualitative analysis and converting detractorsinto happy customers.Are your staff effective brand ambassadors? Are they building your brand or breaking it?Our employee engagement programswill empower your employees to engage positively


We follow best strategies to protect your brand from maliciousinternet activity.The bottom-line is we understand the sentiments and pain area of our clients

Business Administration and Management

➢We do business consultancy services in Human Resources right from selection. Interviewing, recruitment, training, placement, compliance, monitoring and evaluation.

➢We do organizationalneeds assessment and development consultancy with a view of assisting organizationsto come up with an efficient and effective corporate Governance system.

➢We provide training and capacity building for purposes of enhancing personnel development in areas of productivity, service improvement, and effective business management.

➢We develop human capital by better manpower planning, competency profiling of roles and role holders, enhance the support to the companies / organizationsas an agency by on-boarding of trained staff under its name to the various levels of the organization whethertemporary or permanent on commission basis.

➢Failing business rescue and restructuring; we provide administration and better marketing strategies to ailing businesses on a commission basis of the net profit.

Policy analysis, research and capacity building

LCACustomer Research, offers each client a truly unique tailored solution.As an Agency we use our experience to guide you in all types of terrain, help you maintain customer satisfaction, build a strong employee culture and secure all credit actions.From the service engagement areas that the customers perceive, to your employees engagement techniques and standards that affect a business culture and communication levels.We are also aware that the issues surrounding trust, pricing checking and clarification, product loss or prevention and credit fraud have caused millions to be lost each month. As sensitive as these issues are to both your business and how it’s handled.LCA’s team appreciate that confidentiality, process and intel can support you in making the right moves to correct these problems.Resulting with increased profitability, customer and employee trust and building a strong brand culture,that allows the business to evolve.Are your customers experiencing the service levels they expect? And being delighted?Our research will uncover the service-delivery stumbling blocks that prevent you from winning and keeping loyal customersAre your staff effective brand ambassadors? Are they building your brand or breaking it?Our employee engagement programswill empower your employees to engage positively.Is your brand presence consistent across the network? Our brand integrity audits will isolate areas of non-compliance and help you improve how your customers engage with your brand

Reputation Management

A bad reputation hampers every business and tarnishes its image. There is a misconception about Reputation Managementwhere it is linked solely with Social Media, but Reputation Management is not only related to what we hear or understand, it is mainly about controlling of malicious Content/Negative Videos, Blogs etc. It is a process where we can control the content and Image presence. Your Reputation is all about ‘what people think about you’ and Online Reputation Management serviceshelps to shape up the public perception of people, organization, investors etc. At LCA, we are the pioneers and so we understand this very well and we help people from all walks of life be it corporates, individuals, politicians and even retailers in managing their Reputation in every media and space whatsoever.

Lawbert Consult Career Guidance Centre

As parents and guardians toil tirelessly to pay school fees for their children, one ultimate goal keeps them going even in the most difficult of situations. Their children should have a good job to support themselves, their family and society at large. Many parents and guardians will hold very strong opinions on what professional careers their children should take. Term after term as they receive performance results of their children, the career dreams they hold for their children are either enhanced or blown out depending on how they perform in different subjects at school. Parents will at times feel very disappointed with their children when they do not perform well in certain subjects because such performance indicates that the child may not be able to become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer among other professions that the parent wished the child to become. Parents and guardians will also invest heavily in extra lessons for their childrenin an attempt to strengthen their grades in particular subjects so as to realize their dreams. Many pupils, from the earliest level of education have dreams of what they would like to become in future. Inspired by particular professional role models in their community where they live, the materials they read, conversations they engage in with others. Pupils will, for different reasons be inspired in the future take on a particular career path and it is important to note that these dreams are not always necessarily the same as those held by their parents/guardians. Whereas both students and parents/guardians hold career dreams, students usually do not receive adequate and systematized guidance and orientation towards their ultimate goals. Parents/guardians, teachers and students alike, usually have no detailed knowledge on what is required for a student to undertake a particular professional training, the career opportunities available to such a student after the training and the challenges associated with the same.

Money lending & debt purchase

Contact Us

We are located at Plot No. 5 Nsalo Drive off Nsalo Road at Old Kampala P.O Box 14302 Mengo. Email:
Tel: +256 701 394243 | +256 774 394244.